Music of the Moment: Stone sour
Don't know why I felt the urge to put this down here...could just be lack of sleep...but oh well...
Today I was at waffle house and I weent to use the bathroom, right, and I was at the sink. I wasn't wearing anything special, I just had on my denim shirt, a black skirt, Jared's Guinness hat with my hair just sort of poofing out the bottom...and I looked in the mirror and for just a micro-second something really strange happened...
I looked in the mirror...
and I saw something....
I liked...
it was crazy. The image was fleeting, lasting only long enough for it to register and then fade into my usual self-criticism...but...it was there. And the even stranger thing....is I think I know why. I think I'm doing it...I think I'm succeeding in my mission. A mission that until this point I have not told anyone about...I think it's actually starting to work...
You see, with my recent tumble into freedom...I decided to make a massive change in my life...I decided to quit trying to impress everyone else, and start trying to impress myself...
Those who truly matter won't mind, and those who mind dont matter...