Music of the moment: Anna Nalick - Breathe (hehe)
yea, so I'm chillin at home right now...just me and the kids...and they are in bed sooooo...I'm alone. And I'm gonna be alone for a while...and the strange thing is I planned this...I just didn't take some things into consideration...you see I planned to have a bit of companionship right now while nobody else was around, some alone time, just to chill...but like I said, I didn't take certain things into consideration, like for example the fact that that person might be more interested in going and doing something more exciting......like....for example...read a phone book.....or watch grass grow.....or go watch a movie at his friends house...because that is much more entertaining than watching a movie at my house, when I'm actually awake...so now I get the joy of being completely alone for a couple of hours while he is out having fun and going at who knows what time to go pick him up and bring him home...but hey! look on the bright side, I get a condolence prize: I get to try to watch a freaking long movie with him starting at like 12:30am, even though I'll probrobly be dead tired and wont make it halfway through, so I'll end up being woken up by a very pissed off father leter on and get bitched at for God knows how long, or I'll actually make it through the movie and go to my bed sometime in the early morning, just so that I can get up tomorrow and go to school and work dead tired...la dee fuckin do da day....
He can't help it...I mean...I don't like hangin out with me either...I'm probrobly the most dull and uninteresting person you'll ever meet, period...I know this...it's just that I begun to doubt that for a little bit because it seemed like he really meant it when he said I was not boring...and I think in his mind he does mean it...but his actions prove otherwise...given the choice of "go watch movie alone with D" or "go watch same movie with other friend", he chooses the latter, and actions speak louder than words...but if it makes him smile, I'm cool with that...it's kinda crappy...but I'd stroll through Hell in a gasoline bakini for that guy, so I can deal with a little disappointment...
bleh, sorry, I'm gonna stop now...I'll be fine in just a little bit, but the main reason that this blog is here is for me to put stupid stuff here anyway, so here's one more...
Much Love to all of my Whacko hard core readers,
I love you all,
sorry I abandoned you for a bit...