

Mood of the Moment: tired, and I miss Steve...
Music of the Moment: Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.

No, ladies and Gentlemen, I am not dead...unfortunately. Instead I have been running around like crazy. The good news is that I have no more classes this semester....the bad news is that I now have exams...more good news is that I am exempt from two of them...more bad news is that I have a 5-10 page paper that I typed last night, then my pc rebelled and blasted it into oblivion, and I have to re-do it by monday...and with that I'm tired of giving news...

Have I mentioned I hate the Christmas season....

It's not necessarily Christmas...just the season that surrounds it....a collage of chaos masquerading as holiday cheer...it's all a facade...but I gues it isn't as bad as Valentines day...*shudders*....ewww....valentines day...detestable thing that it is...grrr....oh well, I guess you can just call me scroodge....

Til later...

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