

Mood of the Moment: in a hurry, surprise surprise...
Music of the Moment: Queen - Bicycle

Ok, so yet again I have failed to post in a while and now I don't have much time...so to all of you that dont know anything of me unless you read it in me blog:

--The Ranaissance Festival was awesome, especially the Tortuga Twins at the Boo and Brew, where the guys said that it was probrobly the "raunchiest" performance ever....and I believe them, but I was laughing so hard my ribs were aching...it was great...

--Work has been hectic, but I still love my job...and I've found a new admiration for theatre checks, provided that Stephen is on door...

--hehe....Stephen...my absolutely adorable boyfriend who seems to have no idea how awesome he really is...I would elaborate on his awesomeness...but like I said, I don't have much time, and I know I'd get carried away...(besides, I wouldn't want to make anyone jealous)...

--The people at the Waffle House have begun to recognize my face, and know that I'm probrobly going to order a tea and maybe some hashbrowns, while the guy next to me orders coffee with a lot of extra cremes...

--Jon and Heather are engaged, and are to be married next Halloween...I'm so going(partially just to see one of the gorgious groomsmen...hehe)...

--Jennifer...I miss you, let's go do something...

--To those that were at the Starbucks last Friday...I'm sorry I couldn't come, I had a birthday party to go to...it was at Olive Garden...and you know how much I love Olive Garden...

ok, I think that is enough to tide you over until I can post again...I promise I'll try to find more time....I've just sort of been a busy person...

Much Love,

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]