

My dad and I are argueing...right now....oh....he just threw some things....oh, now he is saying that I live just to piss him off/disappoint him....oh this is lovely....oh yea, now I live to make him feel like a screw up....wow...this is amazing....I wish I had the money to move out...

anyway...*dodges flying object*....I am going contra dancing tonight....hopefully it shall cheer me up some more...I have been with Kody since 2, so that helped...before that I went woth my G-ma to get her hair done...I was very relieved that she decided not to tell the lady all about my personal business...because right now I am just tired of people being in my personal business....but yea...I was kinda depressed a few minutes ago when I read a friends AIM profile and there was just a massive reminder of how un-important I am...but oh well....as if my dad was not enough...speaking of my dad...he has started again...I must go now...I'll prob. be back on later...
Much Love,

I'm sorry
I can't be

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