

Mood of the Moment: Frustrated with this God-forsaken hunk of plastic known as a computer...
Music of the Moment: The Killers - Mr. Brightside

I just typed a rather nice post to put on here, and I was in the last paragraph as well as being in the middle of a conversation with one of my friends when my blasted computer decided that it was time for it to reboot...blasted piece of bloody machinery...grr...oh well...such is life...my life at least...

Anyway, for lack of wanting to type everything again, I shall give you the shortened version:

-Work was cool today, I messed with the newbies heads, letting them think that I was new, and that they were all cool, then bursting their bubble....it isn't mean...I am helping them be humble....not prideful...builds character...

-There are whispers running about the theatre that they need another projectionist to start training for the coming school year, since one is going off to school...I have also had two managers say that I would be a good choice...*angelic music comes from above...then a record scratchy sound...*unfortunately, neither of the two managers that said that is the one that decides who gets the job...THE JOB...the job of jobs....the proverbial paradise of the theatre...le sigh....the one who decided doesn't like me, and therefore I doubt I shall get it...

-On the more up side of work...I got to work with Jeffs for two hours, and DUSTIN for three hours...which was mucho fun

-Ok, so after work I saw the late show of "The Island"...alone...but yea, the movie was really nice...and I got to hear Ewan Mcgregor speak in his true accent for a while...which makes me happy, because he has one of the nifty-est accents in hollywood (it is scottish, by the way)...see, a lot of people think that he uses his real accent when you see him in the movies, but that is not true... I know this, because I watch interviews...haha...

-please note that I saw the movie alone...which I think is just the way that I was meant to do things...'tis practice for nunhood...

-after the movie I came home and argued with my dad for a while, then got on the computer...and now I am here...and I am done...
Much Love,

And all the boys in every girlie magazine
Can't make me feel any less alone
I'm reaching for the phone
To call at 7:03
and on your machine
I slur a plea for you to come home
But i know it's too late
I should have given you a reason
to stay...

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]