

Mood of the Moment: Why was I born in this family?
Music of the Moment: Sad song medley I composed for myself around valentines day this year

in the past couple of days, I have had two of my BEST friends parents declare that I cannot see their child. I have just managed to get one to recant for a while, so I am about to abscond to her house simlpy because if I stay here any more then I'm going to break down. God....I am like nauseated. My head hurts.....just....bad day....horrible day....day that I wont forget for a while...
Much Love,

The lonely light of morning
The wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything
I've held so dear...

I've fallen...
I have sunk so low...

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]