

Mood of the Moment: I miss Crystal...
Music of the Moment: Maroon 5 - Through with You

So yea, today I woke up and my ankle was feeling much better, so I celebrated by watching the extended edition of The Two Towers...then I called Brian because he asked me to last night, and said that we'd do something today...but apparently he forgot...haha, what a surprise...

Fortunately, I had a back-up plan...well..actually no, i didn't...I called Jennifer to find her to not be home, but right after that, Emily called me to come hang out at the coffee shop. Haha...it was interesting...Jenkins really has no comprehension of the term "personal space"...haha, it was still fun. Very entertaining it is to see other people have their personal bubble completely invaded...but yea, then we met up with some other people to porch-it at Emily's for a bit....That was very interesting...simply because there were 7 of us there, and the subject kept going back and forth to the same thing...and I really shouldn't have to say what it is...you should know...if not...you were never a teenager...but yea, and we went from anything to that...like school, work, manga, Dragon ball Z, the new Chronicles of Narnia movie coming out....anything...hehe, and just a few minutes ago, my dear friend Emily summed it up in a very amusing way: emonee87: the whole "porch group" was just one big ball of sexual frustration... hehe, I found that amusing...hehe...

Hmmm, Speaking of the Chronicles of Narnia...I can't wait until that comes out...I'm gonna call Pk(...or should I say Paul now...) yay!!! That shall be fun! HAHA!! I love no longer being a student...hehe...beautiful...

But alas, I really have nothing more to type about...and I am still sad, it is just slowly being pushed to the back of my mind...oh well....goodnight to all...
Much Love,

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