

Mood of the Moment: everything is a copy of a copy of a copy...
Music of the Moment: Still got the sad medley in...

So yea, last night I definately crashed at Jennifer's. I would say that I slept at Jennifer's house, but it would be a lie. I didn't sleep last night. Period. zip, zilch, nada. The odd thing was that it really didn't seem to affect me that much until like 8 something. I consider that to be pretty good considering that I only slept for about an hour the night before last. But yea, i took a LONG nap this afternoon, so I am good...well...better...

My family got chinese food tonight, I didn't eat anything because my stomach has been upset, and I was hungry, I just couldn't eat...but....I got a fortune cookie. It says "no problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking"...I find it amusing, because I am a pro. at thinking about something to the point that I make myself sick...hmmm....as a matter of fact...that is part of the reason I didn't eat some chinese, but oh well...I ate a sandwich later...

Ok, so I have a song stuck in my head, it is from a movie that I watched recently, but it makes me sad, so I want it to go away...grr....
"Baby, sleep,
gently sleep,
life is long is long
and love is deep.
Time will be
sweet for thee.
All the world to see.
Time to look
about and know,
how the shadows
come and go.
How the breeze
stirs the trees,
how the blossoms grow..."

I start back to work tomorrow. I was excited, but now I know that it is prob. gonna be really bad simply because I know my mind will not be on work...grr..Anyway, yea, work, 3-8 tomorrow if anyone wants to come see me...but for now I am going to go, because i dont feel like typing anymore...
Much Love,

It's plain to see it's trying to speak
cherished dreams forever asleep
hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
hopelessly, I'll give you everything
but I won't give you up
I won't let you down
and I won't leave you falling
if the moment ever comes
hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
hopelessly, I'll give you everything
but I won't give you up
I won't let you down
and I won't leave you falling
but the moment never comes

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]