

Mood of the Moment: Crystal is back!!
Music of the Moment: Gary Jule - Mad World

So yea, the sort of depressing stuff that I have had going on in the last couple of days....Crystal just managed to make me feel a lot better...I'm not even sure how...I just know that at one point in time I realized that I was laughing...it was nifty....this is one of the reasons why i missed Crystal...

I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight it was very pleasing to me...I got to see the trailers for the new "Harry Potter" and the "Corpse Bride"....those were also very pleasing to me...I still stand by my decision that Daniel Radcliffe has become very nice to look at...haha...

I also went swimming today...but other than that, there was really not much to report...well, nothing happy at least...

oh well, that is all I feel like putting tonight,
Much Love

I miss my friend,
My Confidant,
My ally,
My Cheerleader,
My attorney,
my haven,
my pillar of strength...
I miss my Fallen Angel...

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]