

Mood of the Moment: I dont know, but Emily is my hero
Music of the Moment: Anna Nalick - Breathe (2am)

I have had an interesting day. hmmm...I had about 4 hours of sleep last night...and yet somehow I am not tired...ah yes, I know now, it because I took like all of a 15 min. nap today...After I went to subway to get me something to comer...My dad sort of tricked me into going shopping with him...at the grocery store, but it was ok, because i had to use the bathroom, and on my way out I heard "DEANNA!"...and bang! there is Tyler...Woo Hoo, I was quite happy. Got to see him for a bit...my dad shopped forever...then when I got in the van to go...I saw "Jon Jew"...haha, it was like the reunion of the theatre people...only there were only three of us...but still...

Speaking of theatre reunions...I heard that recently there was a theatre outing that I was not informed of...all goes to prove my point...forgetable I am...

so yea, after my nap-esque thing I went over and hung out at Brian's for a while...ate chinese food...got two new fortunes! Mrs. Beck was nice enough to cover what was left for me to take hoome with me, but I forgot it, of course! hehe, 'tis alright.

I came home, and got online to see if I could find someone in particualar...but yea...not online...grr...oh well...I still had some quite interesting conversations with a couple of people, my friend Emily in particular...she very much made me quite happy, and helped take my mind off of some stuff...but yea, I told her that her words were blogworthy...so here are some exerpts...

emonee87: religious chain letters

emonee87: !

emonee87: gah!

AlwAysDreAmA: HAHA!!!!

AlwAysDreAmA: you mean those exist?

emonee87: those are the worst b/c they are like

emonee87: if you are a christian, you will forward this to one million people

emonee87: in 30 seconds

AlwAysDreAmA: HAHA

emonee87: if you don't forward this, you will burn in the flames of heck...

emonee87: ...FOREVER!AlwAysDreAmA: HAHA!

emonee87: it is

emonee87: and you feel guilty

emonee87: but you are like, "I dont' think God sent this email"

emonee87: ...but maybe he did!

emonee87: you never know, you could be deleting God's email!


emonee87: girls tear themselves up about other people
emonee87: and guys just tear themselves up about themselves
AlwAysDreAmA: OMG....
AlwAysDreAmA: THAT'S IT!!!!
AlwAysDreAmA: Emily...you are a genious!
AlwAysDreAmA: you are going on my blog...
emonee87: yes!
emonee87: my goal in life!

Hehe...so yea, that is pretty much all I feel like putting...but yea, I have to get up early in the morning so that I can go up to the school for some stuff...le sigh....goodnight...
Much Love,

It hurts my heart so bad
Seeing you sigh and shake
Broken down so low - so sad
I can’t let you break

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]