

Mood of the Moment: happier than last night...
Music of the moment: Deathcab - Lack of color

Hehe, I just found it very amusing that when I checked my email today I found thatI had had a comment posted on my blog from someone I didn't know...so thank you kind Mr. Murillo for posting on my blog, I was much pleased!!! hehe...

As far as today...I haven't really done much, but play some DDR and call my Cousin to tell him happy Birthday. I never really get him anything for his birthday, and I dont get Shal (my other cousin who's birthday is 4 days after mine) anything either. It is kind of a seal we have silently worked out, they dont get me anything, I dont get them anything, and it just works out because our Birthdays are so close...it's like our birthday gift to one another is the fact that they dont have to get me anything...you know...but yea....

So yea, other than that there is nothing interesting to tell...I am about to go swimming...I am very nervous because I am going to be wearing a two piece bathing suit...which I dont do....and it isn't even one of those cheating ones...like a tanktini...no, it is that show-all-of-the-large-amount-of-stomach-that-you've-got sort of bathingsuits....grr....but oh well, it isn't like I know anyone there...but yea, if anyhting interesting happens today then I shall post it later...but for now I'm gone,
Much Love,

"Sooner or later all the throngs of feelings
we used to appreciate
will come rushing back
When you wake you will see
Don't wake me as you leave
Don't make me
believe I have a chance in h-ll..."

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]