

Mood of the Moment: Feelin' REEEL!!! *winks*
Music of the Moment: Listen to Your Heart, the remake, IDK who it is by...

Alright, let's see, what has DeAnna done since my last post?? Hmmm...I have gone swimming! That was actually pretty fun...my brother clung to me like mad (oh my GOSH...I need to have a talk with Dustin..he needs to stop saying that so that I dont REALLY pick it up...hehe...'tis Dustin...) But when they have the "pool breaks", then people 18 and over are allowed into the pool....well...I was happy b/c that meant I would get to go into the pool during pool breaks now (so what if I have been doing it anyway, this time it wouldn't be breaking the rules!)....but this time, as is my luck...they didn't have a single break!!! Grr!!!!

Anyways, I got home and discovered that on my NEW answering machine I had two messages for me, they made me feel special but it was much too late to call anyone back...oops...come to think about it...I never did call Sydney back...I guess i will tomorrow...but I called Bracken back today, after being bored to tears for most of the day...talked to her for a while. It is amazing, I think she and I have the record for the most time I've ever talked on the phone for one stretch...it is crazy...out-of-the-blue-extensively-long-phone calls are a hebit of Bracken's...hehe...I dont mind...

So as I was on the phone with Bracken, Emily popped up on the computer and was like "Deanna deanna deanna....wanna go to the coffee shop??? coffee coffee coffee...." and I apparently didn't see these for a minute because I was in my room....but I got on and talked to her for a sec online, told her I needed a ride, and she told me to call Tiffany....so i ended the call with Bracken with an "outing IOU" and called Tiffany and poof....my adventure for the night began...I talked to Tiffany for a bit before I got off the phone, and as I was getting ready my dear friend Jennifer called....and I was aggrivated because I ended up having to get off the phone because of an important beep for my mom...and then just before I left Dear Dustin called and for the first time in my life I could understand why extremely popular people get aggrivated....I felt so bad telling him I couldn't talk right now...grr...but then Tiffany showed up...

Tiffany and I were "fashionably late" to the gathering that was at the coffee shop...it was supposed to be at 6.5, and we got there at about 6.75...but it is all good...especially when Emily is around!!! Oh yea, ramble ramble I love You Emily!!!! hehe...(I know she'll see this, because she reads this blog like obsessively...hehe...gossip gossip...) But yea, along with Em, Tiff, and myself were Justin (?last name? the one that hung around when I used to sit at the front of the school in the mornings...), his sister Caitlyn (?sp?), their mom, and Lovely Ron Stopable (or, Ron Dunsmore, if you prefer to be completely un-theatrical...)...We all gathered around out little tables with our drinks that contained FAR more Caffiene then what we needed to have and laughed at about anything....then we went to Emily's to porch it...but we kind of ended up ditching the porch and opting for the air-conditioned interior of the house for a while(which, even though I have been there several times, it actually the FIRST time I think I have ever stepped inside her house....and speaking of steps...she has 13 steps!!!!eek!) But yea, as usual...new words were created...new songs were sang....my personal space was invaded constantly...our abdomens all hurt from laughing at several points in time...the age olg "ketchup and Gays" discussion was brought up(hehe)....and along those lines...many new inside jokes were created. Oh yea, and I saw a picture of someone that I have talked online to alot but never met...Gee, Nate, you are cute...it's amazing that the girls aren't just hanging all over you....hehe...*winks*....much love nate...

Anywho, after dancing in the rain for a bit, and riding home in a bloody downpour (hmmm....after using the word "bloody", I just remembered that I give Blood tomorrow...) I came home and chilled with the familia for a bit...wandered the net aimlessly for a while...talked to a couple of people online (found out i had missed Crystal at the Bear by like 10 minutes tops...)..hehe, I found the only trace of anything that I have ever seen Brian willingly put on the internet...it was a long time ago...but yea, it is interesting...hmmm....I wonder how he is....oh well...then I blogged...and then it was now...(think about that last statement "then it was now"....trippy, if you think about it...)yea....I'm obviously tired...goodnight to all....
Much Love (really),

the space between
the tears we cry
is the laughter that keeps us
coming back for more...

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]