

Ok, I'm sorry for the very depressing post last night,but I was kinda depressed. Today, when I checked my email, I felt much better, It can once again be summed up in a shorter quote from the same friend...:"I'm sorry". I really didn't need an apology...I wasn't mad...it made me happy to know that she didn't hate me...so, yea, that, along with other things, has made me happy. If you want to know, some of the other things are that I revieved compliments on me new cool lookin' pants at work last night, work was slow but not dead, and this morning at church...I was told...for the billionth time, that I look like angelina jolie. Hehe. I don't think so, but I do think she is pretty, so it flatters me. I'm happy. I just hope nothing goes wrong to mess it up...and being as I'm going to work, it probrobly will. "Ah well, such is the bread, of an everyday life". Hehe. I have to go to work now, I'll prob. be online later,
Much love,

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