

I got sent home from work today...I was on concessions, and I was going to dump the popcorn, when Dustin bumped into me and made me impale my shoulder on the handle of the water cooler....It hurt...I was about to cry...It hurt soooo bad. My manager saw me, got Dustin to dump the popcorn and finish dealing with my costomer. I tried to continue working...but mark came and was like "DeAnna, bring your drawer up" and I was like "why", and mark was like "Because watching you move that arm of yours is making me and Will hurt...go home..." and he smiled...I was happy to go. I stopped by on my way and picked up a Christmas gift for someone, and then came home. I've come to the conclusion that I shall probrobly be taking a leave of absence from work. That is a good and bad thing...Bad thing: lack of funds....Good thing: no working on Christmas...that makes me happy. It would make Christmas good. I can think of some things that would make it wonderful...but not working is a start. Well..I'm gonna go watch a movie now...until later...
Much Love,
"Oh, look What's this?
They're hanging mistletoe, they kiss
Why that looks so unique, inspired
They're gathering around to hear a story
Roasting chestnuts on a fire
What's this?..."_Jack Skeleton

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]