so yea, that thing that I said I was going to do....me and my pansy self did not do it. I'm just sort of.....terrified that something bad will happen. It's not really that hard, so why cant I seem to do it???? Grr....arrg. I dont know, I'm a pansy...
Ok, so, today was our last regular school day, and I slept like a mad woman. I had a dream during third period. It was a dream muy bueno...tres bien...very good. Then the bell rang and woke me up. Drat! I was displeased. I could have stayed in that dream for a WHILE longer. I bet you want to know what that dream was about dont you??? It is probrobly not what you think (unless you are jennifeer, cuz I told her)but I'm not telling it to this journal/blog thing....cuz of some people that read it. Heh...no. It was interesting though, cuz that was one of the first times I've slept long enough to dream in class. WOW, it was bad.....I wouldn't be surprised if I snored!!! I was gone! I was nowhere CLOSE to conciousness!Then I woke up and was all happy and spazzed out and attacked Jennifer on her way to get some paper towels and scared the crap out of her. It was great. I am sad though. I'm scared. Classes and such are changing next semester...people that I looked forward to talking to are not going to have a reason to talk to me...and I will be sad. there are two classes I dont want to be over...4th period and 3rd period. they are my favorite...although 2nd is fun...I dont know....
Grr....I was pulled into a chatroom with Jason and noelle tonight...it was bad...they are all like..."ok deanna, talk!" and I'm all like "I know all, but my lips are sealed....I am God" hehe. I managed not to say anything. I almost wanted to, but it would have been mean...I hate high school. All this he said she said crap. "what did he/she say???" here's a new angle: WHO CARES! GEEZ it's high school, you may not even remember my name in a few years, much less what I said about you that one time. and in all honesty, I say nothing to anyone that I wouldn't say to that person, if they asked. Granted, I'm a drama queen, certain things I will spazz about, but that is my right as a teenager. But wow! The importance that some people place on things, and the random rules they set on things, it's just wierd! Grr!!!!!!!!
Ok, I'm stopping now, that was my frustrating thing for today, I'm better now...I am chilled.....as a matter of fact....I'm cold....It's cold in here....I'm going to go to bed now and cuddle in me blanket.....and see if I can steal my smoosh me pillow back from my sister....the little thief.....hehe....goodnight!
Much Love,