

YAY. I get to blog for the first time in forever... I like it! Many a thing has happened, but I cant just type about everything, because time is limited. I will just say that today has been a decent day. It hasn't been an exceptonally happy one, and things have happened that sadden me deeply, but others have made me happy, so I'm just about at equillibrium for the day. I got a lot to think about, though, and plenty of time to do it....being as nobody wants to do anything with me tonight. I shall go home, play DDR until I am exhausted, then sit there and look at my necklace for a while, and wait for jamie to show up to take my stuff. (I'm lending out my precious pirate costume because I cannot say no.) I may go see a movie...alone...as usual...cuz God forgive anybody be seen in public within 4 feet of me....*sigh* sorry, that was me being down on myself....sorry. Well, I'm gonna go now, hope everyone is well.....
Beaucoup D'Amour,

[In case you are too weak to scroll up for yourself...click here...]